About Us

Been there.
Done that.

About The Makery Co.

Our start was like most in marketing... We were creative, tech savy, and we didn't have enough money to hire anyone else to do it. At the time we were marketing for our own businesses that were online service businesses and brick and mortar. It's so easy to resonate with our client's struggles, because we've been there. 

The Marketing Struggle

Regardless of how long you've been marketing your business online, there are always changes. These days, the algorithms and trends seem to been changing at a rate that's impossible to keep up with. For that reason, we don't chase the change!

There are tried and true marketing strategies that every business can benefit from; social media, email marketing, ads, loyalty programs. We help build all of theses through the creation of organic social media content. Why? All of these different marketing channels can be utilized, but most businesses don't have enough content and systems to be able to fill them.



We used it before the hipsters did.



Infinite battery life, no loading time, no data fees.



Wouldn't it be awesome if these were wearable?
