If you’ve found it difficult to engage with your audience on Instagram or even to reach a broader, you’re not alone! We felt that even as a social media marketing agency that no one was resonating with our content 😫 Why though? We manage several accounts for our clients and we somehow are able to […]

Content Creation, Generally Good Marketing Guidelines, social media marketing

November 27, 2023

Why Your Instagram Audience Won’t Engage With Your Content

If you’re new to The Makery Company, then let us just tell you this. We never started out as a social media marketing agency or planned to provide social media management as a service. So when asked about the stressors of creating content not only for your own business, but for your clients as well.. […]

Content Creation, Generally Good Marketing Guidelines, social media marketing

August 31, 2023

How Social Media Content Stopped Stressing Us Out

If you’re a business owner who is looking to hire a social media marketing agency or maybe you’re not quite ready yet, but you’re looking at some for guidance from them until you can. Here are the 5 things we got wrong as a social media marketing agency.. The Makery Co. was originally just a […]

social media marketing

August 1, 2023

4 Things We Got Wrong as a Social Media Marketing Agency

Open laptop on desk with coffee mug next to it.